Friday 29 July 2011

To all the ex customers who owe my business money from previous financial years:

To all the ex customers who owe my business money from previous financial years:
Get stuffed you bastards.

Engaging the services of a sole trader tradesman without any intention of paying for that service is a low act.
No doubt you were already aware that I have little recourse under our current legislative system and therefore felt you could rob me. No doubt you are the first to cry to all and sundry that the rates tradesmen charge are robbery. Try engaging the services of a debt collector for a debt of less than several thousand dollars for a fuller appreciation of the overused robbery catchphrase. I hope the gas repairs that I carried out for your premises have kept you safe and well, confident in the knowledge that your clean efficient gas appliances have been checked by a licenced professional. I hope your cooker cooks, your water heater heats water efficiently and well. I hope your room heater heats you and your cohorts to a comfortable and cozy temperature in the colder months.

I hope that when that fateful day comes and you unfortunately once again require my services you will not be too upset when I say: "yer thanks, but no thanks, I'm busy." I hope the cheap, unlicenced, wannabe gasfitter that you eventually convince to attend your premises fucks up and burns the whole dump to the ground. I hope you find out way too late that your insurance cover is unfortunately void because you did not have your installation certified under the act as compliant with AS 5601. I hope you didn't neglect to honor your debt with your licenced electrician so the same unfortunate circumstances could recur with your subsequent cheap dodgy wiring. Oh wait, yer I hope that bites you in the ass too.

If you find that this post offends you and you are not indebted to a tradesman, I profusely beg your forgiveness. If you have an unpaid tradesman's bill, and a reason you do not want to pay it, give the poor bugger a call. Chances are that he will readily rectify any genuine fault or grievance given the opportunity.
If you feel you simply cannot talk to your tradesman, settle up and choose another. 

We tradesmen talk too. Leave the account outstanding and one day we all just say no thanks. We have exactly the same rights and opportunities to check the desirability of your custom as you do when it comes to asking for your friends and colleagues opinions about tradesmen they know or choose to call. If a mate asks you for an opinion about another person's trustworthiness is that opinion, gained through personal experience slander? Hardly. If you live in a small country town and you have a habit of conning service providers the day inevitably comes when service is no longer provided.

Many trades service companies in the cities are strictly COD with an upfront service call or appearance fee.
How can there be a mutual trust between a customer and the tradesman under that arrangement? How many times would your doctor consult with you if you didn't pay at the desk before you leave his surgery? How many times would you be able to fill your fuel tank and just drive away from your local service station? Pay me or call me, don't ignore me and think I'll just forget you. I haven't....

To the other 96% of my customers from this and previous years: G'day how ya going, I appreciate your ongoing business. I hope you don't need me to come visit because everything is fine. If however you do, just give me a call, as always I'll be there for you.

Elsewhere on the web, take a look at my Squidoo posts.

Pink Floyd

Pink Floyd

G'day there this is a fairly decent facebook fan page. Pop over and take a look if you are a Floydophile. Lots of nice Pink Floyd sound clips for your audio pleasure ;-)

14.5 million fans can't all be wrong, this one band with their surreal, timeless progressive music have influenced and enhanced the lives of so many. I feel so small and insignificant, 14.5 million!

Big ups to the page creator, I particularly like the sensible comment he has posted under the "About" margin entry:
"Please remember this page is open to fans of all ages and post responsibly"

Now we just need to encourage the rest of the 4 billion denizens of the interweb to adopt similar principles. Amazing what a difference a little grammar and some manners can make now that I think about it...

Elsewhere on the web, take a look at my Squidoo posts.

Best Grammar Checker and Proofreading Software by Grammarly

Best Grammar Checker and Proofreading Software by Grammarly

G'day there, if you are a grammar challenged individual take a moment to feed this site some of your recent prose. I'll freely admit I should use it more often than I do. Generally I feed this site my business correspondence before I fire it off to my unsuspecting customers. Other than that, I try to remember to write my day to day grammar based on the lessons I learnt in primary school, generally that suffices...

Oh by the way this grammar checking site has a free check button which requires no registration, yet.

Elsewhere on the web, take a look at my Squidoo posts.

 Grammarly screenshot

Monday 18 July 2011

The story of Mr Greedy and the Music Industry

Mr Greedy's job was to sign music artists, and sell their music to any and all. Initially Mr Greedy supplied his musical goods on Tapes and Records, he was very, very happy with the piles of money he was making each day.   

Then one day Mr Greedy was given a new CD Drive, Mr Greedy had a greedy inspiration, if only he thought, if only all music could be supplied on one of these CDs instead of Tapes and Records - I would make loads more CDs are much cheaper to make than Tapes or Records. Mr Greedy was very happy, he pictured all the people he had previously sold music to (in Tape and Record format), going out and buying the exact same music on CD, life thought Mr Greedy, could not get any better. Mr Greedy had another flash of greedy inspiration, why not charge more for these CDs? why not charge twice as much as tapes?, and so it was, Mr Greedy lived happily every after.......

Until years later two big baddies - Mr Computer and Mr CD-R moved into his village, for Mr CD-R was able to make copies of Mr Greedy's CD's, Mr Greedy although a little hot and flustered by all this, still was able to see a rosy future, after all Mr CD-R initially did not come cheap.    
That was until a Mr Mp3 visited Mr Computers house for a party, this party had lots and lots of games, one was called 'Pass the Mp3', a certain Mr Internet was very, very good at this game. Mr Greedy peered into one of Mr Computer's windows, he saw 'Pass the Mp3', and decided he could spoil the party if only he could keep Mr Mp3 locked inside Mr Computers house.  
At Mr Computers party was a Mr Rio, Mr Rio was very clever, he was able to transport Mr Mp3 out of Mr Computers house, Mr Mp3 is great out in the open, however, Mr Greedy did not like this one bit. Mr Greedy teamed up with his greedy friends, they blockaded Mr Computers house, and would not let poor Mr Rio out, that was until Mr Judge came along with a huge stick, and dispersed Mr Greedy and his greedy friends.   

Mr Greedy went home, he was angry, very, very angry, would he still be able to make huge piles of money?, Mr Greedy decided he needed something to put an end to Mr Computers party, he got together with his greedy buddies, the idea was to employ a Mr Copy-Protection to put special marking codes on the music CDs, Mr Copy-Protection had the potential to seriously hamper, and possibly put an end to Mr Computers party. Alas, this was not to be, for Mr Greedy and his buddies would not stop quarrelling amongst themselves, they simply could not agree on exactly how Mr Copy-Protection would be employed. 

It has not all been bad news for Mr Greedy, no sir, for Mr Greedy has had a hand in the creation of Stand-Alone-CD-Recorders. These devices plug into your Hi-Fi and enable CD's to be created without the need of Mr Computers help, however all is not as it first seems. Stand-Alone-CD-R's will not record onto normal CD-R disks, they only record onto special Consumer-Audio-CD-R's, and Mr Greedy has placed a special Greedy tax onto these discs, which goes straight into his pocket. What is this greedy tax called? it is 'refund to Mr Greedy of the expected loss from illegal copying', this tax is truly absurd when you discover that Stand-Alone-CD-R's will not copy commercial audio CD's. Mr Greedy truly is a very naughty person.

Just when Mr Greedy thought things could not get any worse, Mr Napster started a new Taxi firm, Mr Napster is able to deliver thousands and thousands of people to Mr Computers party, all these people are able to partake in 'Pass the Mp3', how is he able to do this? Mr Greedy did a little detective turns out that Mr Napster's Taxis are free of charge, well, well Mr Greedy was not going to stand for any of this.  
Mr Greedy calls together his greedy buddies, they all get together to come up with a plan...Why not create our own taxi firm?, shouts one of the greedies, we could charge a little for the trip and still make plenty of money, just not as much as before. This plan does not go down very well with the rest of the greedies, who are far too greedy to even consider it, so it is decided the best plan is to try to force Mr Napster out of town......   

Meanwhile, a young upstart named Mr Audiogalaxy also starts a taxi service, but one that allows the people to play 'Pass the MP3' while Mr Greedy and his buddies fall upon Mr Napster like a pack of bloodthirsty wolves.  Mr Napster's overexposure on "60 Minutes" and the press make his name a household word and draws attention away from Mr Audiogalaxy who quietly starts his own party in the cellar of Mr Computer's house. Mr AG has built an open garage door out the back for all the taxis in his service to come and go as they please.  He enjoys his newfound fame and wealth and loyalty among his partygoers.

Back upstairs in the living room of Mr Computer's house, Mr Greedy and his greedy wolfpack suddenly lift their heads from feeding at Mr Napster's hemorraging carcass lying on the floor and lift their noses to sniff the air.  Mr Greedy thinks he hears noises in the basement and looks down the steps in Mr AG's general direction.

Mr AG, who has been listening to all the carnage going on upstairs during his basement party hears footsteps upstairs and suddenly gets a case of the heebie jeebie screaming meemies and closes the rear garage door in a fit of delerious panic.  Mr AG, in inexplicable fashion turns off all the lights in the basement and sits huddled in a corner sobbing and muttering to himself.  Since Mr AG doesn't care to explain to anyone at his party what's going on, all the people begin chattering to themselves and start making up stories and creating all sorts of rumors and superstitions.  Mr AG never looks up from his corner other than to get up to stop any of the guests from going in and out through the pet flap on the door, muttering something about "filtering" and "upgrading satellites".  The guests are never told what's going on, so they start leaving the party in droves by going back upstairs past Mr Greedy and his pack and out the door unnoticed because they have copied all their MP3s to CD-R and have slipped their disks in their pocket and go outside to meet Mr Gnutella, Mr WinMX, Mr Xolox, Mr Aimster, etc., etc., etc.,

Mr. Audiogalaxy sits alone in the middle of the basement floor wondering where everyone went while Mr Greedy upstairs, hearing nothing more, shrugs his shoulders and returns to ripping apart Mr Napster's skeletonized remains.... 

Time passes and much has changed..., the village has been over run with taxi firms, all has changed too for Mr Napster. Once the king of the road Mr Napster has been under constant attack from the greedies, as such he only has a few really old cabs that no one wants to use because they now have to work under tight rules, but other firms are doing booming business. Some of these taxi firms operate on a house to house basis, from no central base, Mr Greedy is unable to find them, let alone stop them!

Mr Greedy and his greedy friends have been hard at work, and after much head scratching they have created something fiendish - a CD that will play on normal HiFi's, but when CD calls at Mr Computers house it is unable to play! Fantastic, at last Mr Greedy can sleep safe and sound at night, safe in the knowledge all music falls under his tight control, well not exactly...what Mr Greedy fails to realize is that he is actually making it much worse for himself, for the people who want to take CD around to Mr Computers house are the nice people who have actually given Mr Greedy bags of money for said CD, they might want to transfer CD onto Mr Rio. When they find they cannot, they will I am sure, find Mr Internet and one of the many taxi firms to get a copy of the music they already own. The next time they are in one of Mr Greedies shops they might just stop to think and decide it is better to not bother giving Mr Greedy a bag of money for something that is far worse they can get from Mr Internet. Mr Greedy should be congratulated, for this is such a stupid plan.

Talking about Mr Rio he has lots and lots for Rio-esq friends now, some of these friends are relatives of Mr Greedy, ironic as Mr Greedy tried so hard to stop what his own family now embraces. If there is money to be made, you can count on Mr Greedy to be sniffing around the action.

So what of the future? Mr Greedy want to keep his music under lock and key, even if you were to give Mr Greedy a bag of cash, he want to control exactly how-where-and-when you can listen to his music, this is the complete opposite to what the people of the village want, the majority are fine upstanding citizens who are quite happy to give my greedy cash for his stuff, but they do not want to be told how-where-and-when they can listen to it, imagine buying a car and being told you can only drive it from here to there and nowhere else. Unfortunately it would seem the sheriff of the village is on Mr Greedies side, why you ask? because Mr Greedy is all powerful with his Greedy friends, in this village money = power. 

 To be continued......

Elsewhere on the web, take a look at my Squidoo posts.

The Haka of the New Zealand All Blacks

G'day there those of you who know me will know I lived in New Zealand for nine years, while I was there I learned about the Haka of the New Zealand All Blacks, arguably the greatest Rugby Union team in the world.

Ka mate Ka mate Ka ora Ka ora
Ka mate Ka mate Ka ora Ka ora
Tenei te tangata puhuru huru
Nana nei i tiki mai
Whakawhiti te ra
A upane ka upane
A upane kaupane whiti te ra

The Haka 

For most non-Maori New Zealanders today their knowledge of Haka is perhaps limited to that most performed of Haka called "Ka mate, Ka mate". Many sports teams and individuals travelling from New Zealand overseas tend to have the haka "Ka mate" as part of their programme.

The sports team that has given the haka the greatest exposure overseas has been the All Blacks, who perform it before their matches. It has become a distinctive feature of the New Zealand All Blacks.

Haka Origin

According to Maori ethos, Tama-nui-to-ra, the Sun God, had two wives, Hine-raumati, the Summer maid, and Hine takurua, the Winter maid. The child born to him and Hine-raumati was Tane-rore, who is credited with the origin of the dance. Tane-rore is the trembling of the air as seen on the hot days of summer, and represented by the quivering of the hands in the dance.

Haka is the generic name for all Maori dance. Today, haka is defined as that part of the Maori dance repertoire where the men are to the fore with the women lending vocal support in the rear. Most haka seen today are haka taparahi, haka without weapons.

More than any aspect of Maori culture, this complex dance is an expression of the passion, vigour and identity of the race. Haka is not merely a past time of the Maori but was also a custom of high social importance in the welcoming and entertainment of visitors. Tribal reputation rose and fell on their ability to perform the haka (Hamana Mahuika).

Haka reflected the concerns and issues of the time, of defiance and protest, of factual occurrences and events at any given time.

Haka History

The centrality of the haka within All Black rugby tradition is not a recent development. Since the original "All Black" team of "New Zealand Natives" led by Joseph Warbrick the haka has been closely associated with New Zealand rugby. Its mystique has evolved along with the fierce determination, commitment and high level skill which has been the hallmark of New Zealand's National game.

The haka adds a unique component, derived from the indigenous Maori of New Zealand, and which aligns with the wider Polynesian cultures of the Pacific.

The All Blacks perform the haka with precision and intensity which underpin the All Black approach.

For additional information there are two good articles on wikipedia:

Elsewhere on the web, take a look at my Squidoo posts.

Tuesday 12 July 2011

WTF is a Demotivator?

 Demotivators, lots of them, a video full of them. Demotivators about all sorts of topics with ninjas, lots of ninjas, because demotivators need ninjas. Also a cool backing track: "Shine" by Australian band Ice Jupiter Groove. Go get demotivated now...

Evolution Demotivator

Don't mess with Canadian girls demotivator

Hope demotivator

Japan face the All Black Haka demotivator

metrosexuals demotivator

The ball demotivator

NOTICE: This article is moving to a new Home:

Elsewhere on the web, take a look at my Squidoo posts.

Croc stunt pic causes concern on NT river

G'day there I would normally post a photo like this to my idiots on the net page, but I couldn't nick the photo, so because I'm lazy tonight I linked the news page in it's entirety.

Croc stunt pic causes concern on NT river

Basically here's what I wanted to say: Teaching crocodiles to jump into boats is bloody stupid....

Elsewhere on the web, take a look at my Squidoo posts.

Friday 8 July 2011

The Paradox of Love

The Paradox of Love:

All of us experience at one time or another a feeling of loneliness and isolation, a very painful void inside of ourselves that can become an unbearable prison. We have all felt at some time alienated from others, separated from the group, alone and lonely. By it’s very nature this loneliness, just like a toothache, centres the focus of our attention on ourselves. We seek to fill this void to satisfy this hunger... we go out to find others who will love us.

We may do things for them in an obvious attempt to gain their love. We may come to them with hands stretched out like PAN SCALES. On the one hand is our donation to them, the other hand being extended to receive their donation to us. We may even be deceived into thinking that this is loving.

We know that our loneliness can be filled only by the love of others. We know that we must feel loved. The PARADOX is this: if we seek to fill the void of our own loneliness in seeking love from others, we will inevitably find no consolation but only a deeper desolation. It is true that “You’re nobody till someone loves you.” Only the person who has experienced love is capable of growing. It is a frightening but true reality of human life that, by loving me or refusing to love me, others hold the potential of my maturity in their hands. Most of us, driven by our own aching needs and voids, address life and other people in the stance of seekers.

But the PARADOX remains uncompromised: if we seek the love which we need we will never find it. We are lost.

Love is of course the solution to the problem, but we must face the fact that to be loved, we must become lovable. When a person orients his or her life towards the satisfaction of their own needs, no matter how we justify or try to soften the truth, that person is self centred and sadly not loveable, albeit probably deserving of our compassion. Anyone who is concentrating on self and who continues to do so will inevitably find that their ability to love will always remain stunted. They will remain a perennial infant.

If, however a person seeks not to receive love, but rather to give it, they will become loveable and will most certainly be loved in turn. This is the raw reality of the truth: Concern for self, convergence upon self can only isolate self and induce a deeper and more torturous emptiness. 

The only way to break this vicious and terrible cycle formed by our lustful egos is to:
STOP being concerned with self.
BEGIN being concerned with others.
This, of course is not easy. To relocate the focus of one’s mind from self to others can in fact mean a lifetime of effort and work.

Elsewhere on the web, take a look at my Squidoo posts.

Wednesday 6 July 2011

Addiction Recovery: What the hell is that?

G'day there, those of you who know me well know that I am an addict in recovery. I am approaching my Sixteenth birthday of recovery and figured this is about equal to the years I spent in active addiction. With that in mind I have gathered some thoughts and smashed the keyboard a fair bit in an effort to explain this whole recovery deal to those who just don't know. Most importantly I have an overwhelming desire that just one person stuck in the disease will read this and turn around, if that were to happen the efforts would be all worthwhile.

What is recovery…. One persons view:

I was told early, in my recovery, that recovery was a gift from my higher power, an unwarranted unconditional gift of love and that all I had to do to keep it was embrace it and give it away. I soon learned that the more I gave it away the more I had.

I also learned, after much pain, that recovery was not only about not drinking or drugging, but rather, a process by which I learned to change those things in my life and in me that could lead me back to active use of substances.

That process is an ongoing journey that brings with it joy and happiness as well as allowing me to experience the pain of growth. It is a two edged sword that in time we learn to embrace with caution over time.

Recovery is 3 fold: Physical, emotional and spiritual. The physical recovery begins when we stop using substances and begin to allow our body to heal. That healing may include hospitalization for detox and stabilization. In other cases, we may sweat it out cold turkey at home or with another friend in recovery. But, physical recovery doesn't stop after our system is substance free. We need to continue to take care of it by proper nutrition and plenty of rest. For those folks familiar with the saying HALT, this is about the Hungry and Tired part of that equation.

The emotional part of recovery is ongoing and is more intense at different stages. This is when we learn to deal with life on life's terms, and begin to experience feelings that we buried for a long time or thought we would never experience. Some of these include fear, self-doubt, insecurity, guilt, remorse, shame, love, compassion, overwhelmed, happy, sad, angry, loss,
lonely, belonging, etc. and the list goes on. Feelings are not facts; they are based on our perceptions, old beliefs and life experiences. Therefore, in the recovery process we learn to embrace these feelings and put them in proper perspective in our lives. We no longer have to fear the feelings but rather face them and move on. This part of the recovery process deals with the Angry and Lonely part of HALT.

The third part of the recovery process deals with the spiritual. Spiritual is not just about embracing a God of our understanding, or for some folks a return to or a new beginning in a structured religion. It is about who we are, our sense of values and self-respect. It's about balance in our lives and love in our hearts. It's about being a good person who is sick working on getting well. It's about self-forgiveness and forgiveness of others. It's about peace of mind and calmness inside that is felt by others. Father Martin says something in one of his films about being able to tell when someone is in recovery because you can see it, hear it and feel it. There is a life and joy that cannot be missed. That is the gift of recovery in one person's view. Enjoy it, Embrace it and most of all Share it. The more you share it the more it grows.

Choose Life!

Addiction is cunning, baffling, and powerful. Addiction is also incurable, progressive, and fatal! The miracle of recovery can return life back to the addict from the grip of the one who rides the pale horse, Death!

Addiction is a living problem and a thinking problem. Addiction is lack of power in one’s life. It is a mental obsession and a phenomenon of craving: a disease of the body and of the mind. The mental obsession allows the addict to continue to use despite negative consequences. It allows addicts to believe the lie: that they can be like everyone else. The phenomenon of craving, or allergy, or abnormal reaction, is set off when the addict uses their drug of choice. At this point, they lose the power of choice. A hopeless condition without the solution to the problem. Addiction is a malady of the spirit. “The man takes a drink, the drink takes a drink, then, the drink takes the man.”

The problem defines the solution. If the problem is lack of power, then the solution must be power. Belief in a Power greater than one’s self is the solution to addiction. A belief that their Higher Power can restore the addicted person to sanity. Once the problem and the solution are identified, a spiritual program of action is then needed to promote change in the addicted person. It is crucial that the addict both admit and accept that he or she has a problem, and that life has become unmanageable. This is a difficult situation because of delusion, or denial as some call it.

Because addiction is a living problem, and a thinking problem, the addicted person can not recover alone. The insanity of the mental obsession dictates that the addict will need help from a person, or persons that are no longer living in the grips of addiction. The addict will need a program of recovery, and a fellowship of recovery.

A sponsor is an addicted person, who is in recovery from addiction, and who has worked through the twelve steps of recovery. A sponsor is a guide to help the addicted person work through the twelve steps. It’s suggested that a sponsor be clean and sober for at least one year prior to taking on such a commitment. A sponsor should be a person that is a living example, who shows that recovery works! A sponsor is a part of the program of action, and the fellowship of recovery.

The fellowship of recovery is the addicted person’s support network. The support network is made up of other recovering groups and individuals. The fellowship of recovery includes meetings, a sponsor, sober friends, and sober functions. The addicted person should find a recovery group that will be considered their home group: a recovery meeting that they will attend weekly. There are several different types of recovery meetings, all types are beneficial to the addict.

Depending on the addicted person’s drug of choice, numerous support groups are available: Alcoholic’s Anonymous, Narcotic’s Anonymous, Cocaine Anonymous, and many others. There are different types of meetings within each group: step meetings, basic text meetings, discussion meetings, meditation meetings, speaker meetings, and several others. The addict may need to attend more than one fellowship; for example, a person who is addicted to cocaine and alcohol may choose to attend Alcoholic’s Anonymous and Narcotic’s Anonymous.

The addicted person may have problems that are outside of the scope of such recovery programs. Problems such as depression, mental disorders, physical problems, or any other problems that arise, should be handled by professionals in each specific field. There are also programs to help friends and family of the addict to cope with the problems associated with the disease of addiction. Al-Anon is such a program. In each, town, state, and in most countries, there are meeting schedules available for all of these recovery fellowships. It is very important that the addict has the program of addiction recovery, and the fellowship of addiction recovery at work in his life.

Some addictions require medical attention for detoxification from a particular drug. For example, alcohol detoxification can be very dangerous, and should be handled only by professionals in a medical facility. Not all cases require detoxification. In most cases of addiction, a rehabilitation center is a good choice after any necessary detoxification. In a solid rehabilitation program the addict will be able to learn several important facts: What their particular addiction is, what the solution is to overcome that addiction, and what the program of action is all about. He will learn about the fellowship of recovery, and the program of recovery, and information related to sober living.

In a recovery facility the addict will have a better chance to focus on his recovery program without outside pressures and interruptions. It is crucial that the addicted person build a solid foundation of recovery. Like a building, a life of recovery built on a weak foundation will fall. It is also important for the addict to be in a safe, structured environment, where their particular drug of choice is not readily available. Most addicted people need discipline, which also will be implemented in any reliable rehabilitation facility. The addict will not recover unless he truly wants to recover from addiction.

A bottom, or consequential event, as a result of using drugs, or alcohol, will often lead to a window of opportunity for help, and change in the addict. However, this window will only last until the addict gets comfortable once again. When this bottom, or event happens, this is an opportune time for an intervention. This confrontation should be completed with the help of experienced people, and/or professionals. A detox unit (if needed) is a good option, followed by entry into a rehabilitation center. Then recovery is up to the addict.

Open-mindedness, honesty, and willingness from the addict are crucial at this point. Support from friends and loved ones is also very important. The addict must know that he is not alone in this process. A delicate balance of unconditional love, without enabling the addict, will be needed from friends and family. Now in a safe, and structured environment, the addict will have a real chance at recovery, if he truly wants it.

Once the addict has been exposed to the basics of recovery, in a rehabilitation program, or through outpatient treatment, he should have a solid foundation of recovery. It is possible for the addict to recover without inpatient programming. However, it makes sense that this type of program is a good option. Some addicts do recover by attending recovery fellowship meetings, and working a program of action. While living at home and continuing with his job, and life, the addict attends recovery meetings.

After an inpatient recovery program, it is essential that the addict becomes involved in a recovery fellowship and program near his residence. A sponsor, building a strong support network, a home group, service commitments, structure, and guidance are crucial to recovery. There are numerous recovery publications available for the addicted person: a basic text, a step book, and a daily meditation book, would be a good collection to get him started.

The addict should have a good understanding of the first three steps of the twelve step program at this point. In step one, he accepts, and admits that he has a problem, and that his life has become unmanageable. He understands that he is powerless over his drug of choice. In step two, he comes to believe that a Power greater than himself can restore him to sanity. In step three, he makes a decision to turn his will and his life over to the care of God as he understands Him. Then the action starts.

Self-centeredness is the root of addiction. Recovery is a daily reprieve based on the maintenance of the addicted person’s spiritual condition. Shame is the core of addiction. A person is made of three essential parts: body, mind, and spirit. In the addict, the spirit is blocked by self-centeredness, or harmful self. This means that nothing gets in or out, there is no growth. The person is spiritually blocked. Because self-centeredness is where spirit should be, all the person’s basic instincts become out of balance: social instincts, sexual instincts, and security instincts.

Because these instincts are out of balance, the individual’s life will have a great deal of problems: resentments, fears, and harms to others. In the forth step of the twelve step program, the addict learns about these areas, and does a major house cleaning, or inventory of himself. The inventory is executed with the assistance of a sponsor. Step four is an effort to discover the addict’ s liabilities: the basic problem of extremes in instinctive drives. This moral inventory must be searching and fearless. This is the beginning of a lifetime practice.

In step five, the addict admits to God, to himself, and to another human being the exact nature of his wrongs. This step should be done with a sponsor, a member of the clergy, or a trusted friend. In step six, the addict becomes entirely ready to have God remove all his defects of character. In step seven, the addict humbly asks God to remove his shortcomings.

Step eight is where the addicted person makes a list of all persons he has harmed, and becomes willing to make amends to them all. In step nine, the addict makes such amends, as long as it will not cause any more destruction. In step ten, the addicted person continues to take personal inventory, and when he is wrong he promptly admits it. Step eleven, the addict tries to improve his conscious contact with God through prayer and meditation. In step twelve, the addict having had a spiritual awakening as a result of working the steps, helps to carry the message of hope to those that are still suffering from addiction. This is just a basic overview of the steps. There are very good books on this subject that are available in the rooms of recovery, and in some book stores.

The same man will use his drug of choice again! Change will come as a result of working the twelve steps. Doctor Bob of Alcoholic’s Anonymous was claimed to have once said, “Trust God, clean house, and help others!” The twelve steps put simply and beautifully. Recovery is a simple program of action, but it is hard work. The addict must be willing to go to any length to recover. This truly is a battle of life and death!

It’s important for those addicts that are still active, or who are in early recovery, to know that they have a choice, and that there is hope. It’s important that they know that they are not alone. Addiction will take everything addicts have: their jobs, their credit, their homes, their families, their dignity, their self-respect, their friends, their relationships, their health, and sooner or later, their lives.

Generally, addicts can not recover on any type of willpower, they need to surrender to the disease of addiction to recover. It’s very rare that anyone stays clean and sober on their own. Using drugs, or alcohol is only a symptom of the disease of addiction. Addiction is a thinking and a living problem. The person that tries to stop using on his own does not have a way to change, or to grow. He is simply dry, not sober. Sobriety is about changing the way he lives and thinks. Everything depends on what the addicted person wants to do. If he wants to recover from addiction, the program of action, and the fellowship, seem to be the best vehicle.

Addiction is a family disease, it impacts everyone that loves the addict. It’s important that the family gets help too. Al-Anon, Narc-Anon, counseling, and literature can help the family to understand the problem. A support network, including a fellowship seems to work best for this purpose. Addicts are sick people, don’t expect them to act like normal people overnight.

Recovery is a process, it takes time. If you walk twenty miles into the bush, then you will have to walk twenty miles to get out of the bush. It’s important not to put conditions on love, and at the same time, to hold addicted loved ones accountable, and responsible for their actions. There must be consequences for all actions. Accountability and responsibility demonstrate the willingness necessary to recover.

Daily attitudes and choices will dictate the quality of each individual’s future. Shame, like addiction, is a killer! Shame is how a person feels about himself as a result of an action. Toxic shame is when the person believes that he is a bad person, he takes this as an identity. It’s very important that the addict realizes that he has a disease, and that he is not a bad person. A person living in shame cannot recover.

Spirituality is simply saying yes to life! Recovery is all about breaking the chains of self-burden, and learning to live in freedom. Recovery is about learning to walk in the sunlight one day at a time. Recovery is about learning to be a part of the world, instead of the world revolving around the individual. Recovery is about change, and growth!

Whatever your problems are, there are others that have had the same problems, and have worked through them for a better life. Many people die each year from addiction, most never make it into the rooms of recovery. Do whatever you need to do, to get between your loved ones and drugs. Their lives may depend on it. Active addicts are blind to reality; give them a reality check. Hold the mirror up to the addict’s face, tell him how you feel. If you’re an addicted person, get help now! As powerful as addiction is, love is more powerful!

You can love the addict back to health, sometimes tough love is needed. Good choices should be rewarded; bad choices must come with consequences. Most addicts, that are in active addiction, feel helpless, and hopeless. Addicts need all the support that they can get: the support of the family, of addiction professionals, the support of the recovery fellowship, and a sponsor.

There is help to recover, and no addict has to die from this disease. The ends to addiction are jails, institutions, and death. If you have an addiction problem, please get some help. If someone you know has an addiction problem, help them to see the truth, and help them to get help. Addiction is spiritual bankruptcy; recovery is living a rich and meaningful life. Please choose life!

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