Monday 20 June 2011

Renewable energy +1, Fat cats -2, Tree huggers -1, Smart houses 0.

So the dust has settled from the Federal budget, whats the guts?

How does this benefit the Australian taxpayer in relation to self sufficient energy generation (sustainability)?
An increased amount of our tax dollars will be spent towards the emergence of the promised renewable energy fund. +1 sustainability.

Tax breaks for company cars will be attacked with a long overdue razor that's -2 if you're a fat cat but scores a +2 on sustainability in my book. It's probably really only a +1 but I get my jollies seeing fat cats cry ;-)

 company car
Company cars are going to get less tax breaks. 

Tree huggers -1 But that's OK in my book. It's not really a bright move throwing money at fishes and trees while we continue to burn fossil fuels at an alarmingly increasing rate, which accelerates fishes and trees demise, makes towel heads rich and generally buggers up the planet. It makes reasonable sense to try to check our non sustainable energy consumption and the resultant environmental damage first. Ya gotta pull the three corner jack out of yer bike tire before ya patch her and pump her back up.

The national solar schools program was disintegrating and the money was being stolen by the fat cats in the company cars anyway. It was turning into the pink batts debacle all over again. None of the ridiculous overspend was doing jack shit towards sustainability. On the other hand we were teaching our kids that solar works (just don't look at the bill for it OK?) So that's a break even with a bonus point for the government for dodging the fallout (they hope).

Umm the environmental stewardship program? Who knows, I can read all about it being implemented in the cities, but what about regional Australia? I can tell you for sure there is bugger all stewardship going on in far western NSW. I have a sneaking suspicion fat cats are all over this one too.

National wildlife corridors plan, oh yea that's the thing where drunk drivers knock down the fences around here so the emus can get on the roads so the fuel tankers can run em over...

 Emu running across road
Emus are a serious hazard on outback roads. 

Renewable energy, the emerging renewables fund is a move in exactly the right direction. Keep the fat cats away from this sector with a big stick, if necessary hit em with dead emu legs and tie them to the cities where they belong with all the spare barbed wire from the wrecked fences!
Renewable energy development, the infrastructure growth and jobs this emerging industry will bring to Regional Australia is a big +1 The fact that we will increase our independence from fossil fuels and reduce carbon generation by diverting energy production away from coal and gas fired power stations is an additional +1.
There was mention of managing population growth in already overcrowded cities, That's smart too, good luck implementing that one. Ship the unemployed out west to solar and wind farm construction jobs if you can. Oh wait, the mines will recruit them and pay them twice as much as the solar / wind farm people will.

How about this for a not so silly idea, stick a bigass carbon tax on all the resources we export and let China pay the bill for our energy Independence?

 Mining is big business Mining is BIG business 

And one last passing shot, I know this one will be a touchy issue. New Zealand supplies 70% of the entire nations electricity demand with hydro power. Australia's sustainable energy input to the national grid is 8%. Lets dam the franklin river! O wait...Strike me days!

 Hydropower dam
Hydroelectricity is a winner. 

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