G'day there this is a fairly decent facebook fan page. Pop over and take a look if you are a Floydophile. Lots of nice Pink Floyd sound clips for your audio pleasure ;-)
14.5 million fans can't all be wrong, this one band with their surreal, timeless progressive music have influenced and enhanced the lives of so many. I feel so small and insignificant, 14.5 million!
Big ups to the page creator, I particularly like the sensible comment he has posted under the "About" margin entry:
"Please remember this page is open to fans of all ages and post responsibly"
Now we just need to encourage the rest of the 4 billion denizens of the interweb to adopt similar principles. Amazing what a difference a little grammar and some manners can make now that I think about it...
Elsewhere on the web, take a look at my Squidoo posts.