Monday, 29 August 2011

Broken Hill Australia

G'day there, here is my Broken Hill Australia article I posted on

Broken Hill Australia

View Larger Map

Sunday, 21 August 2011

Skippy The Bush Kangaroo

Meet Skippy (again)


Skippy the bush kangaroo has suddenly sprung to internet fame!

Skippy is set to run rampant around the world as this phenomenon goes absolutely VIRAL on the web. Skippy is undergoing a massive resurgence in popularity. Check the website where this trend had it's humble beginnings. VOTE 1 for Skippy, a friend ever true!

Friday, 19 August 2011

Did You Know 5.0 - YouTube

Did You Know 5.0 - YouTube

G'day there,

For a good laugh at social networking, gaming and Americans go take a look at this Youtube vid.

Monday, 8 August 2011

The biggest, baddest Mercedes-Benz |

The biggest, baddest Mercedes-Benz |

G'day there, I couldn't help but want one of these. Normally I'm fairly anti consumerism but if the world goes to shit this is the truck I want. I'd just weld some armor plating on and fill her up with food, water, fuel and firearms. Bring it on armageddon, I has six wheels!

 The zetros 6x6

Elsewhere on the web, take a look at my Squidoo posts: